Charlotte Loves Cats

It’s no secret that my little Charlotte is a cat lover.  She spends a good part of everyday chasing our cats around the house.  She brushes them and pets them and carries them around.  She likes books about cats and items adorned with cats.  She talks about cats, she draws pictures of cats, she probably even dreams about cats.  She is excited every time someone points out a cat or a picture of a cat anywhere.  The fastest way to get her out of bed in the morning is to tell her that a cat is doing something interesting.

(The other day Charlotte told me her cat was in the laundry room sink, next thing I knew, Charlotte was also in the laundry room sink.)6.3.11 Charlotte and Jill in the sink (2)She even enjoys talking to cats.  I’ll overhear her telling a cat about another cat she saw or something about one of her friends.  Sometimes she’ll come home from going somewhere and tell her cat everything she did while she was gone.

(Charlotte reading a bedtime story to her cat)5.23.11 Charlotte reads to JillShe likes to tell people facts about her cat as well.  I’ve lost count of how many times she has told me that her cat (Jill Pole) doesn’t like tail petting. 

Circles are now one of her favorite shapes because cats sit in a circle sometimes.  The other day she was really amused because her cat was “in a circle” and she was laying next to the cat and she said that they looked like a “10” together.  Then she proceeded to make every kind of letter she could make with a line and a circle by moving to different spots next to her cat. 4.21.11 Charlotte and JillSomehow, despite all the chasing and tormenting her cat endures at her hands, Charlotte’s cat seems to really love her back.  To Charlotte’s great joy, Jill jumps up into her bed every night and regularly seeks Charlotte out for love and attention.

3.29.11 Fancy Jill

One comment

  • natalie

    that is hilarious. i just did some blog catch-up and seattle is gorgeous. i love the pictures at the park where you had such a pretty view of the city. and clamming?!?! cool.