Isaac’s Birthday

He was excited about the idea of having his sisters wake up to a surprise birthday breakfast of eggs and bacon.  Unfortunately, two of them were up before breakfast so he had to just surprise Charlotte.  IMG_9693

After breakfast we all walked to school.    Isaac carried a cupcake and a note he had written to his bus driver.  She wished him a happy birthday when he got on and thanked him for the cupcake. (We gave him some new clothes on his birthday eve to wear to school on his birthday).IMG_9695

It’s funny, in the early days of first grade when we were still in Knoxville, he asked if he would ever go to school on his birthday.  I told him that I didn’t think he ever would.  Little did I know we’d be in Seattle and schools out here end much later.
I spent the day baking, taking Nicole to the doctor, filling a prescription, and not finding any time to fold my mountain of laundry that I had procrastinated folding the night before.

We had made arrangements to bring a treat to his class and sing happy birthday at 2:15.  We were a little early and got to help him empty out his desk.  He he was given a choice of which  birthday song to sing.  He choose one that included a “cha, cha, cha” and clapping.  We passed out the cupcakes he had wanted (chocolate cream filled with chocolate gnache on top).  His classmates were shocked at how delicious they were and thought they were filled with ice cream.IMG_9711Isaac got to leave with us a few minutes early.  We were able to stop in the office and drop off some extra cupcakes and then make our exit before the rest of the kids were released from school and traffic got bad.  

I took them to Taco Bell where they were running a special; Crunch wrap Supremes for $1 each.  I bought one for everyone, except Ila.  Isaac thought it was the best treat ever. (I left my camera in the car, so my phone took the next picture)CIMG0035

At home we had a little less than 2 hours before his friend, Ryan came.  I let Isaac open two presents.  One from Charlotte.  It was a play dough ice cream set that she purchased with her own money.  The other gift was from me.  It was a long pipe and a variety of elbows, caps, and other such things.  He was so excited for Ryan to come that he kept asking me how much longer and then told me he’d like periodic updates on how much time before Ryan gets there.IMG_9722

He spent the 2 hours playing with the play dough toy, preparing a pipe configuration, and doing “art projects.” IMG_9723IMG_9727IMG_9724Ryan and Isaac enjoyed playing with pipes and other toys. IMG_9731

We ate dinner.  Isaac had requested spaghetti with vegetable enriched pasta.

At 6:30, Great-Grandma and Great uncle Gale arrived.  Isaac opened his presents and then played with his presents.  Zach’s aunt Karin came with her daughter-in-law and grandchildren.  IMG_9749We sang and skyped the birthday song and ate cake.  IMG_9754After the cake, the kids put their PJs on and watched movies until they fell asleep.  Ryan reluctantly left in the middle of the first movie.IMG_9757