Some Things about Charlotte

Charlotte likes to brush the cats and collect all the fur that comes off of them into a ball.  The other day she was walking around with her ball of fur and she came up IMG_9984with a plan which she was very excited about.  She said that she would make a cat out of pink play-dough and then put the fur from her ball of fur on it.  Then she would read a book about magic and then make her cat into a real cat and she would name it Zelda since the fur ball looks grey.  Then she started composing a plan to make a fluffy cat and a white cat that she would name “Hello Kitty.”

Charlotte likes to make observations aloud.  Recently she was naming all the colors that cats can’t be, like blue and green.  She said cats are only pink with all their fur off.  Another time she was having a conversation with Isaac about age and Isaac said something about being 90.  I said, “if Isaac was 90, he’d be old enough to be a great-grandpa” then he said something about being 100 and Charlotte said “then you would be an even greater grandpa!”

Here is an example of one of her musings this week:
“Mom, I like pants and I like to wear them.  Mom, are you glad I like to wear pants?  But you can’t wear pants in the bathtub.”

She has been very amused at finding more than one cat in the cat bed.  Often when she finds both of our cats in the cat bed, she climbs up and tries to add more cats.  Sometimes I find that she has covered the cats with a blanket or left little toys by the cat bed for them to play with.6.18.11 Charlotte and the cats (6)6.18.11 Charlotte and the cats (1)