Our first view of number 5

We’re not the type to keep a pregnancy a secret so I thought I’d post our first look at baby #5.image0-1 My doctor’s office has it’s own ultrasound machine so it’s common practice to see the baby on your first appointment.  This was a special treat since I only got one ultrasound for 3 of my children (I had 3 ultrasounds with Isaac).

I love ultrasounds, it makes the baby seem more real.  I actually got to see my little one wiggling around and hear his/her heartbeat.  By now, I can even identify most of what I’m seeing—at least when they show me the profile.  The baby’s head is on the right side of the picture with a little arm sticking up at the end of his/her nose.  You can also see a little foot sticking up on the opposite side.

The technician measured from rump to head a few times and looked at my ovaries (Did you know that they can tell which one I ovulated from last just by looking?  I didn’t until today, I also don’t know why they would want to know).image0-2 On the day of my appointment (7/26/2011), I was 10 weeks and 1 day pregnant.  The baby measured exactly 10 weeks so he/she is right on track in terms of size/development.