Lake Meridian Park

We went to Lake Meridian Park on Monday and had a lot of fun with our friends, the Pettibones and the Daytons.  The park was great with new and interesting play structures.  Unfortunately, I didn’t get any pictures where you can really see all the neat things to play and climb on.8.22.11 Lake Meridian Park (1)8.22.11 Lake Meridian Park (3)Nicole and Ila’s favorite thing to play on was the merry-go-round which had netting all around it.8.22.11 Lake Meridian Park (14)8.22.11 Lake Meridian Park (6)

They also had a waterfront with ducks and a swimming area.  We didn’t bring swimsuits, but the kids decided to get wet anyway:

8.22.11 Lake Meridian Park (39)

8.22.11 Lake Meridian Park (28)8.22.11 Lake Meridian Park (41)8.22.11 Lake Meridian Park (37)