First Day of School

Today was Isaac and Charlotte’s first day of school.  It was Charlotte’s first day ever and she was super excited.  She got up as soon as she saw the first glimmer of sunlight through her window.  She made her bed and got dressed before anyone else was even out of bed.  Over breakfast Isaac explained, “There are two kinds of teachers:  nice teachers and mean teachers.”IMG_1112Isaac and Charlotte picked their own clothes out the night before.  Ironically, Isaac choose the same shirt that he wore for the first day of Kindergarten.  Charlotte choose her clothes based on what she thought the kids in her class would like.  She picked this shirt because she thought the boys would like the blue on it and the girls would like the pink.  It also has hearts and apples and other fun things.IMG_1115Isaac loved his new shoes.  They are air-cooled, which means they have a little pocket of air that blows over his feet each time he takes a step.IMG_1124IMG_1127IMG_1129IMG_1143IMG_1144They both had a great first day and loved school.  They both said that they had really nice teachers.  Here they are at the end of the day:IMG_1173IMG_1174Charlotte looks really tired here:IMG_1177The following video is of Isaac and Charlotte telling about their first day of school.  It’s a little long and Nicole and Ila are noisy in the background at times, so I expect most of our blog readers to skip the video—but grandparents might want to watch it, so here it is (also they are eating the remainders from their lunches):

One comment

  • Aunt Heidi

    I’m so glad they have nice teachers! First day of school can be exhausting so I’m not surprised Charlotte looks tired. :)