A visit from my Mom

My mom came to visit last week.  I can’t tell you how eagerly I anticipated our visit since the last time I saw her was at the airport when we moved to Seattle.  Unfortunately, all 4 of my kids developed colds just before she arrived and I was just starting to get a cold.  Within a few hours of arriving, she started experiencing cold symptoms as well.  So we spent the whole week sick together.  11.4.11 Grandma Bunny reads to the girls (1)I did not envision my week consisting of comparing cold medicines with throats too sore to stay up late talking or read piles of stories to the children.  Hot chocolate became our evening tradition and we both agreed that we had consumed more of it during that week than we had in a very long time, it just felt so good on our sore throats. 11.10.11 Alki Park (10)

It was hard to muster enough energy to go out and enjoy much of Seattle together, which was sad.  We forced ourselves out of the house a few times and were able to enjoy a great view of the Seattle skyline from Alki park on her last night with just our family. 11.10.11 Alki Park (24) My sister Sarah drove up from Portland with her boys on Friday and spent the night with us before taking my mom back with her on Saturday.  The kids had a movie night with their cousins and we visited the worst McDonald’s play place on a cold rainy night (it was outdoors and it actually started hailing as we were leaving).  11.11.11 movie night with cousinsThe next morning, Isaac tried to bargain with Sarah and offered to trade some of his toys for Grandma, but his bartering was unsuccessful and we had to say good-bye to Grandma Bunny.