Charlotte’s Birthday

Charlotte’s birthday was on a school day this year which was just fine with her since she loves Kindergarten.  We made cat shaped cookies for her class and decorated them to look like her cat (Jill).  12.14.11 Jill cookies (2)Charlotte helped me frost them.  12.14.11 Jill cookiesShe started off her day with a special breakfast of sparkling apple-grape juice and a breakfast sandwich.  12.14.11 Charlotte's birthdayI gave her the option of taking the bus or having me drive her to school.  She choose to be driven to school.  In the afternoon, I arranged a babysitter for the little girls and volunteered in her class from 1:00 until school ended at 2:38 then I was able to drive her and Isaac home from school.  12.14.11 Charlotte's birthday (6)For dinner we picked Zach up at the Park n’ Ride and then went to Pizza Hut where she and Isaac were able to spend their Book-It certificates on their own personal pan pizzas.  We skyped present opening and cupcakes with the Orem Cochrans (grandparents and aunts).  Here is her cake (we ate cupcakes for her birthday so that we could save the actual cake for her party).12.14.11 Charlotte's birthday (8)We also celebrated her birthday on the Sunday before with a dessert and some local Cochrans (Great-Grandma, Great Aunts, and Great Uncles) and on the Saturday after her birthday with a cat-themed birthday party (blog post to come).

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