Sledding and Gingerbread

Here’s another catch-up post.  We went sledding on the Saturday between the girl’s birthdays (December 10th) with some friends. 

It rarely snows here in Seattle, and when it does, it doesn’t snow much–or at least that’s what I’ve heard.  I haven’t been here through a full winter yet, but it hasn’t snowed yet this winter.  We drove up into the mountains until we found snow and a good sledding hill.  I think the pictures speak for themselves:

12.10.11 Sledding (3)

12.10.11 Sledding (9)12.10.11 Sledding (11)12.10.11 Sledding (16)I took several short videos of sledding, but they’re not incredibly interesting so I’m only posting one:

After the snow, we warmed up and had a nice lunch with our friends before making a gingerbread house:12.10.11 Making gingerbread houses (14)12.10.11 Making gingerbread houses (16)