The next best thing to being there

With all the pictures and videos I took on Ila’s birthday, this post should be the next best thing to actually being able to celebrate Ila’s birthday with her!

First morning picture (she woke up happy, here she’s pretending to go back to sleep):IMG_1722Birthday breakfast = blueberry pancakes:IMG_1734She giggled and laughed most of the way to school:
She likes to stand on this and sing:
At the grocery store we picked up a few things, including her favorite yogurt (lime flavored Tillimook brand).  She couldn’t wait to go home and eat it:IMG_1747The main reason for our trip to the store = birthday balloons!
She took a very long birthday bath:IMG_1766 She loved her birthday juice: IMG_1783She had chicken nuggets for dinner:IMG_1791Here’s what her cake looked like: IMG_1789The birthday song:She loved the cake:
Present opening time was very amusing, she kept getting distracted by her grandparents and aunt on Skype: