Kids doing chores = happy mom

Isaac has been drooling over his Lego catalogs lately so I decided that it was time to use his intense desire for Legos as motivation for doing chores by rewarding him with money for chores.  So I made up a chart of chores that I felt he could do.  I made sure to list what I expected in order for the chore to be counted and how much each chore is worth:IMG_2150Most of the chores are worth 25 cents or less.  I made the cat litter worth a dollar because nobody wanted to do it, but I also added a requirement to vacuum around the box in order to earn the dollar.

Mostly since I have my own laminator, but also because the kids seem to lose money easily and I didn’t want to worry about always having the right amount of change and bills on hand, I made some fake money and laminated it:IMG_2151This system has worked better than I expected.  Isaac has been doing chores before and after school.  He has done the littler everyday, vacuumed the living room everyday, unloaded the dishwasher, emptied all the trashcans, cleaned toilets, picked-up toys, removed all the couch cushions and vacuumed the couch and done his homework right away without even being asked!  I am loving the extra help, especially since I’m slowing down as this pregnancy progresses.  He has earned a little more than $10.00 and couldn’t be happier.  He even turned down an offer to go to work with his dad tomorrow because he wants to stay home and do chores!

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One comment

  • Erin

    i am stealing this idea!!! i’ve realized i’ve slipped for the last couple of months and evan has been doing nothing around the house. however, he too has been drooling over legos, so i like how you combined the best of both worlds: chores make mom happy, money makes son happy. love it!