Confessions of a Tired Mom

I have been trying to overcome the effects of lazy parenting.  I was so tired and achy by the end of my pregnancy, that I started turning on the TV more and more.  This bad habit continued when I came home with our new little family member.  Now he’s almost two months old and I’ve felt very guilty about the amount of time the TV is on. 

For the last few weeks, I’ve been working on breaking the habit/addiction of having it on.  The first battle has been with the girls who keep requesting their favorite movies (currently WALL-E and Monster’s Ink).  The first day or two was the worst because they yelled and cried when I wouldn’t turn on the movies that they requested.  We’ve had a gradual withdrawal, because let’s face it, it’s exhausting keeping a 2 and 3 year old busy while trying to keep the house clean, care for a new baby and feed (and launder the clothes for) a family of 7.  So the second battle is with me, because it’s so easy to turn on a show so that I can get the dishes done without worrying about what they’re getting into.  Instead of being frustrated with myself when I finally gave in and turned it on, I told myself that I should be proud of the amount of hours that we had it off.  I think yesterday was the first day that I made it through an entire day with no TV/Movies.

I am already seeing the benefits of my efforts.  Ila and Nicole are playing together more and they are playing more creatively with their toys again. 3.22.12 Dr Nicole (5)3.28.12 Playtime (11)