
We made a big change this weekend.  We switched the playroom and the office.  The playroom was upstairs and the office was downstairs.  The problem was that I have way more chores to do downstairs (primarily because of meal prep and clean-up) and the children don’t like to be too far from me.  (plus sometimes they create big messes with things like water and baby powder when we’re separated from each other).  So they hardly ever played in the playroom for very long, but they got bored with the few toys in the living room.

Upstairs Playroom (picture taken right after we moved in):

IMG_7166Downstairs playroom:P1050132P1050134

One of the reasons we didn’t make the change before is because I require that our toys be locked up and there was no closet in the downstairs room.

Downstairs toy closet before and after:5.25.12 reorganization (1)P1050130So far I’ve been generally pleased with the outcome.  The kids have really enjoyed the playroom have spent less time playing in the living room.  The office is only half-finished.  Zach spent all of Saturday rebuilding the computers (swapping parts and fixing bugs, ect).