Mismatched Girls

Since Charlotte has been gone all day at Kindergarten, my two youngest girls have become good friends.  It took them most of the school year to develop their friendship, but now that the big kids are home, they are still choosing to play together.6.19.12 Nicole and Ila (3)They are about as different as they can be in personality.  Ila is soft and sweet and mild while Nicole is loud and passionate and boisterous. 

On one of the last days of school, Nicole was dancing around wearing a mismatched pair of dress-up shoes while Ila was finishing her breakfast.  When I took Ila down from her seat, she was wearing the other half of Nicole’s mis-matched set:6.19.12 Nicole and Ila (2)Nicole must have brought them over and put them on Ila’s feet.  They danced around in their mismatched shoes singing and laughing.  My heart swelled with joy to see this mismatched pair of sisters enjoying each other so much!  And of course I got out my camera:6.19.12 Nicole and Ila