Pictures that I’ve been meaning to write something about:

How’s that for a title?  I often take pictures with the intent to post them, but I haven’t had much time to blog lately, so here are some of the pictures I thought I’d post at some point:

Ila likes to ask me to take pictures of her.  Here she is right after asking me to take a picture of her eating oatmeal:5.11.12 Ila5.11.12 Ila (1)

This is my mother’s day gift from Isaac, cause nothing says “I love you, mom” like a logging truck:5.13.12 Mother's dayI just like the emotion in this one:5.17.12 Ila and Thomas (4)My boys:5.18.12 Isaac and Thomas (3)Another request to take a pic of her eating:5.18.12 IlaHe looks so big sitting here all by himself (this picture was taken a month ago):5.19.12 Thomas (2)Also, this one makes me smile:5.20.12 Thomas (3)A rainy walk to the bus;5.21.12 rainy day (8)Ila looks like an umbrella with legs:5.21.12 rainy day (11)I got Ila a new umbrella and it’s almost as big as she is:5.23.12 Ila's orange unbrella (2)Thomas turned almost completely around in his seat:5.23.12 backwards bumbo (5)5.23.12 backwards bumbo (4)Thomas drools a lot right now, check out that wet shirt, I think he did that in about than an hour, we’re starting to run out of boy bibs between laundry days:5.23.12 drool (2)This is what it sometimes looks when I’m using the computer:5.24.12 Thomas at the computer5.24.12 Thomas at the computer (1)This is as close as we’ve gotten to swimming this year:5.25.12 tub swimming (2)”Welcome to Nicole’s purple restaurant, where everything is purple”:P1050161The End

(although I still have some more to sort and edit, so there might be a part 2 to this post at some point)

One comment

  • Claire

    LOVE Isaac’s Mother’s Day present! Mason made a windmill for me out of wood…it uses the drill to make it go.