A short visit

So, here’s another catch-up post.  We were able to have all of Zach’s siblings and his parents here for Isaac’s baptism.  Here are some of the pictures from their visit:

After a long day of traveling, Laresa and Thomas:7.5.12 Time with Cochrans (1)Nicole wearing something ridiculous and sitting with Heidi:7.5.12 Time with Cochrans (2)Nicole sharing part of her ridiculous outfit with her Grandma:7.5.12 Time with Cochrans (5)Bethani and Ila (they became good friends a few days earlier at a BBQ on July 3rd):7.5.12 Time with Cochrans (6)Story time with Grandma:7.5.12 Time with Cochrans (8)Charlotte enjoyed making cookies with Dan:7.6.12 With the CochransShe also shared her Kindergarten memory book with him and apparently showed him some tricks at the little neighborhood park:7.6.12 With the Cochrans (3)Thomas drooled on his Grandma:7.6.12 With the Cochrans (1)I love these three pictures of Thomas with his Great-Grandma.  She adores him and made a bee-line for him when she came in:7.6.12 With the Cochrans (5)7.6.12 With the Cochrans (6)7.6.12 With the Cochrans (7)Thomas with his Grandpa:7.7.12 Thomas and Grandpa Cochran (2)Those are all the pictures I got, other than the baptism ones and the family portrait that I already shared.  It was a short visit and a very busy weekend, but we were so happy that they all came to be with us for Isaac’s special day!

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