Fountain Photos

I’ve got some catching up to do.  Here are some pictures that I took on an outing with my friend Jess and her kids at the end of June.  We met up at the fountains by the Kent library:6.27.12 fun with fountians (1)Ila is wary of the fountains:6.27.12 fun with fountians (3)Isaac and Charlotte jumped right in and enjoyed them, while Ila and Nicole mostly stayed out of the water and watched:6.27.12 fun with fountians (20)6.27.12 fun with fountians (22)6.27.12 fun with fountians (28)6.27.12 fun with fountians (38)Ila loves the babies, she spotted my friend’s baby:6.27.12 fun with fountians (51)He showed her how to be less afraid of the water:6.27.12 fun with fountians (53)Thomas just got his feet a little wet:6.27.12 fun with fountians (57)6.27.12 fun with fountians (48)The girls:6.27.12 fun with fountians (63)