Grandpa Bird

My dad spent a week with us for Isaac’s baptism.  Much of the time he was here, we were very busy with preparations and family, but we managed to take a few outings.  My sister, Sarah drove him up and spent some time with us as well.

Here’s Sarah and I and our Babies:7.3.12 Sarah and I with our kids (3)Here’s all 8 of our kids lined up by age:7.5.12 Cousin line up7.5.12 Cousin line up (3)Here are a few of my favorite pictures of Grandpa Bird with my kids:

(Nicole did not want to be in this picture)7.8.12 a walk with Grandpa B (14)7.9.12 Coulon Beach with Grandpa B (5)I love the way Nicole is looking at her grandpa in this picture:7.9.12 Coulon Beach with Grandpa B (23)7.9.12 Coulon Beach with Grandpa B (8)7.9.12 Coulon Beach with Grandpa B (42)7.9.12 Coulon Beach with Grandpa B (43)I already posted this one, but here it is again because it belongs in this collection as well:7.7.12 Isaac's baptism day (24)