Isaac’s Birthday Celebrations

(I started this post awhile ago, but life got busy, so better late than never, right?)

Isaac’s birthday celebration was split up between a few days.  He had the presentation and cupcakes on Thursday at school.  Then on Saturday, Zach picked up Isaac’s friend and took them on an outing which Zach should post about soon (you can all help me bug him to post the pictures and write about Isaac’s birthday outing).  I was glad that Isaac choose an outing over a party this year, because I have been working really hard to keep up with everything since Thomas was born and I didn’t want to add party planning to my chore list.  The third celebration was on his actual birthday which also happened to be on Father’s day.

We had orange dreamsicle pie with Lego men and candles on top. 6.17.12 birthday cake (4) His Great-Grandmother came over to celebrate with us and we Skyped with his Cochran Grandparents for the birthday song (see the wireless mouse in the picture, the laptop was just outside of the shot).6.17.12 birthday cake (9)He was a little upset that Charlotte leaned over and helped blow the candles out:6.17.12 birthday cake (11)Anyway, you should all encourage Zach to post the pictures and tell about Isaac’s birthday outing.