Photo Uploading

We let our Flickr Pro account expire today.  We have talked about using a different service for storing photos online, but we haven’t taken any steps towards signing up with a new service.  We did a massive download of the images on flickr, just to make sure we had them all (we had uploaded more than 27,000). 

For now we just have limited Free version of flickr which only shows the most recent 200 pictures.  Should we decide to renew our pro account, all 27,000+ pictures would be viewable again.

Since I won’t be sharing my whole album online right now, I’ll have to take some time to share a few more here.

Here is a picture of one of the bacon flowers that I made for Zach for Father’s Day (It was a silly idea, but they were super easy to make):6.17.12 Bacon roseEvery morning at breakfast, Ila asks for me to move Thomas over by her, sometimes she holds onto his foot while she eats.  She can be very possessive of him.  She tells me that he’s HER Thomas:6.18.12 breakfast (2)Thomas has started reaching for things and trying to hold and taste them.  On this particular morning, he kept trying to grab the box of Life cereal and the kids all thought it was hilarious that he kept knocking the box down.  They laughed each time he did and then set the box back up for him to knock down.  Here is a video that I took after he had already knocked down the box many times:We’ve had Zach’s grandmother over to Skype with some of her other grandchildren a few times recently.  She loves to hold Thomas when she comes and it’s so fun to share him with her.  Last time I was able to make him laugh for her and it brought such a big smile to her face.6.24.12 Thomas and Great GrandmaThese pictures are kinda funny to me, especially when viewed in rapid succession:6.25.12 Thomas (1) - Copy

6.25.12 Thomas - Copy(the effect is better when viewing in a photo viewer, cause it looks like he lunges towards you with that wide-eyed expression). 

HIs eyes are turning brown, I think:6.25.12 Thomas (1)The girls having a pretend picnic in the hall.  Nicole got a call on a some cauliflower that she had to take:  6.25.12 picnic (2)Thomas might hate me for these pictures one day, I blame his sisters.  (My auto red-eye correction was confused by the pink glasses):6.25.12 Thomas in pink glasses (1)

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