Picking Blueberries

We spent the day with some of our friends from our old Utah ward.  We started off the day with a trip to go pick blueberries, only we got there before they opened, so we went on a walk.

On our walk we saw a mother duck and her three little ducklings:IMG_6224IMG_6227  We also met some fishermen who showed us a catfish in a bag.  Ila kept going back to the stroller and climbing up the side of it to check on Thomas—I love how much she loves him:IMG_6228Each of the kids got a bucket to collect blueberries:IMG_6237Isaac decided that each layer of blueberries equaled a level.  I think he ended up at “level 4.”IMG_6238IMG_6322Nicole’s hair got caught on a branch:IMG_6286Nicole had a hard time with the concept of only picking the blue ones, even after she tasted a green one and didn’t like it:IMG_6304

At first Ila didn’t think she liked them, but amazingly she tried them again and decided they were great. She soon gave up collecting them in a bucket and just walked around looking for baby blueberries to eat:IMG_6261IMG_6297IMG_6321All our little blueberry pickers:IMG_6313The weather was perfectly cool and overcast.  It was so nice, that we spent a few hours there.