An experiment in grocery shopping

I’m still trying to figure out the best way to grocery shop.  I don’t want to go after bedtime because I have so many other things to do then (it’s my first time all day that I can do whatever I couldn’t get to while the kids were awake).  So I go during the day which means during the summer I have 5 kids to take with me.  Usually I put 3 kids in one cart and have two kids walk.  On this particular day I tried two carts.  I had Isaac push the second cart.  7.20.12 shoppingOnly it didn’t work out as well as I had hoped.  Isaac could barely see over the top of the cart and he was terrible at pushing it through the store.  He would make wide turns at the end of isles and I had to grab his cart to stop him from running into other shoppers many times.  I soon felt silly and embarrassed about the spectacle of me with my two shopping carts and 5 children.  So now I’m back to one cart and looking forward to having a few less bodies on it when school starts back up.