BBQ and Water Fun

My last post was about our week without Zach.  The next few posts will include some of the pictures I took that week.  Starting with our Wednesday outing to my friend Megan’s house for a BBQ and fun outdoors with water to celebrate her baby’s first birthday.

Here’s Charlotte in the sandbox with the birthday boy:8.8.12 Carson's B-day (10)

Ila and Nicole playing with bubbles (Isaac is back by the little pool)8.8.12 Carson's B-day (2)I love these two together, look how close in size they are already:8.8.12 Carson's B-day (6)While I was taking a picture of those two, Isaac took a step on what he thought was grass:8.8.12 Carson's B-day (17)He fell right in and you can see the distress in his face (I snapped the picture as I crossed the rocks to go help him out since the camera was already in my hand—my mom teased me about taking a picture before helping him out):8.8.12 Carson's B-day (15)Before I hosed him off:8.8.12 Carson's B-day (16)My cute little toy eater:8.8.12 Carson's B-day (22)8.8.12 Carson's B-day (23)Fully recovered from his unexpected dip in the pond and having fun with the bubble machine:8.8.12 Carson's B-day (25)Ila and Thomas taking a rest:8.8.12 Carson's B-day (26)Sled pools? (I love the expression on Charlotte’s face)8.8.12 Carson's B-day (28)After telling me she didn’t want any ice cream, multiple times, Ila decided she did want it—just as she was taking the ice cream back in the house (what a stinker!).8.8.12 Carson's B-day (30) But she wouldn’t even taste the cone.8.8.12 Carson's B-day (36)8.8.12 Carson's B-day (37)It was a fun day and a nice chance to get to know some new friends!