Miscellaneous pictures

Now that I’m not sharing all my pictures on flickr, I am trying to share a few more here.  Here are some recent pictures:

I was having one of those days when Thomas wouldn’t let me put him down, so I had Zach hold him, only Thomas was only happy if he could see me. Zach’s solution was to lay on the couch and prop Thomas up so that he could see me over the top of the couch while I made dinner.  Every time he lowered Thomas down where he couldn’t see me, Thomas would cry:6.9.12 Thomas

The little girls playing games together:7.13.12 Nicole and Ila (1)7.13.12 Nicole and IlaIla has been insisting on trying to dress herself lately, only it doesn’t always work out:7.13.12 Ila learning to dress herselfHere’s my birthday cake with the candles placed by all three girls (we used Google Talk to include my in-laws in the birthday song:7.16.12 Kathleen's Birthday (8)This is the crazy way that Ila ate her piece of cake:7.16.12 Kathleen's Birthday (17)I love how I can see Thomas’s excitement/happiness in his arms and legs:7.18.12 Thomas (3)Whole baby picture—I love this little guy!:7.18.12 Thomas (6)Brothers:7.19.12 Isaac and Thomas7.19.12 Isaac and Thomas (2)We spread out some brown packing paper and made art:7.19.12 coloring (2)7.19.12 coloringI love Nicole’s artwork.  She drew each family member in their favorite color:7.19.12 coloring (3)Here’s a picture from one day when a neighbor was washing a car.  Isaac laid in the street to block the water from going in the drain and got soaking wet:7.19.12 waterI have so many more pictures to share, but I am ready to go to sleep so this will have to do.