Our IKEA Lunch Tradition

On Tuesdays IKEA offers free kid’s meals, so we have lunch at IKEA every Tuesday.  I’ve considered abandoning the tradition a few times, but my kids really love it and it’s less than 3 miles away!7.10.12 IKEA lunch (2)

7.2.12 IKEA (2)Isaac, Nicole, and Ila always get the chicken tenders with fries.  Charlotte chooses meatballs and mashed potatoes.  All the kids used to get juice boxes, until Isaac figured out that he could order a soda and get free refills.  Now Charlotte and Isaac choose a soda every time.  I’ll be honest, I don’t like most of their food, but the soup is ok and only $2.  So the grand total for 4 kids and one adult comes to $2.18:IMGIla loves the chicken tenders and apple juice.  She usually won’t eat any of her fries, but she gets mad if she catches anyone stealing her fries.  I usually distract her and steal a few while they’re still warm.IMG_6187She can be a slow eater, so sometimes if everyone else is done, I’ll put her in the cart and let her finish as we walk:IMG_6193Here’s Thomas’s first time trying out the highchair:IMG_6176IMG_6177We also regularly invite family or friends to join us7.3.12 Sarah and I with our kids


  • Anonymous

    Oh I miss Ikea lunches with you! That was fun, I wish I wouldn’t have been so busy the last few months so we could have gone more. Your kids are getting so big!

  • Bobbi

    Oh that was me! I forgot to put my name :)