Picture Share

I am always taking pictures that I intend to post with a comment or two, but i’ve gotten way behind on my blogging, so here are some pictures starting on July 20th:

Movie night is always on Friday night.  Before wondering where to buy adjustable beds, we used to make beds on the playroom floor and let the children watch movies tll they fell asleep, but they started taking longer and longer to fall asleep so now we give them one movie after bedtime in the living room and we usually provide popcorn or some other snack:7.20.12 movie and popcorn (2)

I just love this baby.  Lately when I rub the shampoo into his hair he gives me a huge smile.  I took these pictures because I thought the bubbles on his head were neat:7.20.12 Thomas7.20.12 Thomas (1)Charlotte claimed that this swimsuit fit her and refused to change ouf of it or even let me help her get it on the right way.  I also thought the rain boots with the swimsuit were a little silly:7.21.12 backyard pool7.21.12 backyard pool (3)Nicole also refuses to admit when a swimsuit is the wrong size for her (in this case too big).  On this occasion, all she wanted to do was sit in the pool and squirt herself with the sprinkler.  7.21.12 backyard pool (5)For some reason I had put her in a diaper that day and it absorbed a tremendous amount of water:7.21.12 backyard pool (6)Ila likes to lay right on Thomas when she gives him a hug:7.21.12 Ila and Thomas (1)I wanted a picture of Ila in this dress.  I love her silly little face:7.22.12 Ila (4)My kids love making things into beds:7.22.12 Ila (6)7.22.12 Ila (7)7.22.12 NicoleIla loves playing with this blanket and wrapping it around herself in different ways.  The other day when she was playing with it Nicole shouted “NO, I DON’T WANT YOU TO BE MARY”7.22.12 Ila (9)7.22.12 Ila (11)The kids love making a safe zone for Thomas:7.24.12 Isaac and Charlotte help Thomas sit (5)7.24.12 Isaac and Charlotte help Thomas sit (3)Here’s another bed they made.  This time they’re wearing matching ballerina outfits:7.24.12 ballerina napIKEA updated their kid’s plastic dishes to include purple instead of two shades of blue, so we had to upgrade our set.  Nicole loved the new set so much that she didn’t want to share:7.24.12 IKEA (11)The kids have spent a lot of time cooling off outside in the water:7.25.12 Pool Party (2)It’s almost like bunk  beds:7.26.12 Pack N Play (2)The cat was under the changing table part, I thought she’d move when I laid a baby next to her, but she didn’t:7.26.12 Pack N Play (3)Here’s the next movie night with their new IKEA dishes in their favorite colors:7.27.12 Movie nightI thought I was really moving through my pictures file, but it turns out that I’ve only shared pictures comprising about a week of time.  I guess I take a lot of pictures, but I’m sure you already knew that!

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