Thomas at half a year

Tomorrow my baby will be 6 months old.  A friend said to me not long ago that the days are long but the years are short.  I can’t believe he’s already halfway to his first birthday!7.23.12 Thomas (2)The big news is that he is finally sleeping through the night. . .mostly.  I rearranged things a little and put his bed in Isaac’s room then we let Isaac sleep in our room so that Thomas didn’t wake him in the night.  I heard Thomas cry once at around 11:00 for about 15 min. and then I didn’t hear him the rest of the night–it was an amazing first night, although I did check to make sure he was still alive a few times.  The first time I made Isaac cry himself back to sleep, Isaac cried for two straight hours and it was pure torture.  (my doctor had said his record was 3 hrs. and to let him know if Isaac cried longer than that). 7.14.12 Thomas eats solids (1) I also started Thomas on solids which he loves.  Currently his favorite food seems to be green beans with rice cereal mixed in.  He is eating way more than Ila did which is probably a really good sign.  Today he ate 4 full jars with rice cereal mixed into each one an he nursed several times.  He also had one incredible diaper this morning before church. 7.28.12 Thomas (3) His sitting skills have improved since my last post.  Now he doesn’t fall over as often and he’s happier sitting up playing with toys for longer.  I’ve seen him start to fall and then regain his balance and I’ve seen him use his little stomach muscles to slow his fall.IMG_6552 He’s such a happy sweet boy.  He loves to smile at everyone, even strangers.  He’s also still very cuddly and loving to his mommy.  Here is what happened when he found a paper on the counter near him:7.30.12 Thomas likes paper (3)He has found his feet and has to take a taste of his toes every time I change him:7.28.12 Thomas (22)7.28.12 Thomas (21)He has outgrown the Bumbo, because he keeps doing this:7.28.12 Thomas (7)So I have moved him to a booster seat:7.31.12 Thomas (4)