I tried to avoid it. . .

I have avoided signing my kids up for stuff, partly because I didn’t want to have to drive them to activities.  I especially didn’t want to have my kids signed up for so many things that I spent most of our after school hours driving around.  Only, somehow that has happened to me this year.IMG_7894

First Isaac turned 8 and became a member of our church scout group which meets every Wednesday during the school year. 

I’ve felt guilty for years that I haven’t signed Isaac up for any sports.  So I finally bit the bullet and signed him up for soccer which has been meeting twice a week after school (Tues and Thurs). 

I signed Nicole and Charlotte up for Ballet.  I had been considering doing it since we moved here and heard about the classes offered by a lady in our ward.  I also thought it would help Nicole prepare for Kindergarten next year because it would help her learn how to work in a  structured learning environment.  Charlotte goes to a Ballet class on Thursday and Nicole goes on Friday.

If you’ve been following along, you may have noticed that our schedule requires me to drive kids to activities 4 of the 5 school days (it will be 5 days soon when the weekly Soccer matches start on Saturdays).

Here’s Charlotte trying to pose like a ballerina before her first class:IMG_7889Here’s Nicole, she was so excited that she started dancing around as soon as she put her ballet clothes on:IMG_7902IMG_7901I wish I had more pictures of Isaac playing soccer or in his scout uniform, but I’ve been tending the rest of the kids during his practices and I haven’t had a chance to watch him play yet.  His first game is tomorrow, so you can be sure I’ll have more then!  You’ll just have to settle for more ballet pictures:

Nicole’s class was so empty today that the teacher let Charlotte get dressed and participate (notice I didn’t have a chance to put her hair in a bun):IMG_7911IMG_7937IMG_7944IMG_7945Oh and since Zach is still at work during all these activities, I’ve been taking all 5 kids everywhere and staying with them through the activities. It doesn’t seem worthwhile to load them in the truck and drive them back home, because by the time we got home, it would be almost time to load them up and head back to pick a kid up.IMG_7931Luckily there are parks right next to all the soccer practices and a swing set and nice play area right next to ballet.