Soccer and Remlinger Farms

Saturday was a busy day.  First was Isaac’s soccer game:IMG_8218

Ila playing dolls with Thomas on the sidelines:IMG_8206Nicole and Grandma Bunny IMG_8209IMG_8207IMG_8216IMG_8229IMG_8232We only had a few minutes to stop at home between Isaac’s game and Zach’s company picnic at Remlinger Farms:IMG_8241IMG_8243IMG_8260IMG_8265IMG_8270IMG_8280IMG_8287IMG_8289IMG_8290IMG_8292IMG_8293IMG_8301IMG_8314IMG_8326IMG_8340IMG_8362IMG_8366Nicole and Ila had to try every one of these picture boards with the face holes in them on the way out:IMG_8374IMG_8379IMG_8378