Staying Cool

I hate being hot which makes Seattle a pretty good place for me to live.  The only bad part is that when it does get hot (usually about 1 week in the summer), most people around here don’t have AC.  So when the weather report was predicting that Thursday and Friday would be the hottest days of the year, I was not looking forward to them. 

We planned a beach outing for the Friday (the post that I just wrote), but my only plan for Thursday was to go to the grocery store when it started getting hot.  Only you can’t spend all afternoon at the grocery store, especially when you have 5 kids.  Luckily I’m blessed with some awesome friends in our ward who called as I was unloading groceries to invite us to the pool.8.16.12 pool fun (3)8.16.12 pool fun (23)

We were able to go free of charge as their guests and they even brought otter pops and cheese-its to share!8.16.12 pool fun (12)8.16.12 pool fun (26)Eating the grapes that I brought:8.16.12 pool fun (25)We had a wonderful time visiting and sitting in the pool, it didn’t even feel like a really hot day!