August Pictures

I haven’t spent much time the last few months labeling and sorting pictures, so I’m rather far behind.  Here are the rest of the pictures that I meant to share from August:

Ila has mastered climbing up on the little neighborhood play thing and she’s proud of herself for doing it:8.15.12 Playing Outside (16)8.15.12 Playing Outside (17)8.15.12 Playing Outside (18)

Nicole has finally started to master the whole potty training thing, but this picture was a familiar sight before she got it sorted out:8.15.12 Playing Outside (29)(My mom is probably wondering why I snapped a picture of this–It’s probably a valid thing to wonder.  I guess I just had my camera in my hand and there’s not much you can do when someone is in the process of peeing her pants except wait it out and then help her get cleaned up).

Here she is on her balance bike (with a new pair of pants):8.15.12 Playing Outside (30)Ila with Cheerios on her fingers—I like how I caught this picture of  the Cheerios in mid air:8.18.12 Ila (2)We put Charlotte’s bed tent back up and it’s been a big hit:8.18.12 bedtentSometimes it takes a little tape to get some peace and quiet around here:8.18.12 tape mouth8.18.12 tape mouth (3)Thomas is such a good little eater.  Here is what we started with at dinner time on August 18th:8.18.12 Baby foodand here is all I had left on August 29th.  8.29.12 baby foodI’ve been encouraging more cereals and finger foods lately so he consumes less baby food.

This next picture comes with a story that I shared on facebook, so it may be a repeat for some readers.  Nicole was crying, but not asking for anything so I told her crying was not allowed in the kitchen and I put her on the stairs to cry. Later when she was cheered up, she said "I want a picture of Nicole crying on the stairs on Mom’s computer" I said why don’t we look at pictures of fun things and showed her Nicole swimming and Nicole playing with toys and she repeated her demand: "I want a picture of Nicole crying on the stairs on Mom’s computer" so I told her I didn’t take a picture of Nicole crying to which she insisted I take one now. She ran over to the stairs and started fake crying until I got out my camera and took a picture.8.20.12 Nicole on the stairsFamily scripture reading:8.20.12 scripture time8.20.12 scripture time (2)Charlotte wanted to make a pretend picnic at the park:8.22.12 Playing Outside (25)Ila’s first night in her new bed.  She loves it and still calls it “Ila’s new, new white bed.”  Nicole was jealous and kept claiming that her bed was broken and now she needed a new one too!8.23.12 First night in new beds (1)Ila handed the crib down to Thomas:8.23.12 First night in new bedsWhenever Ila hears Thomas wake up from his nap, she runs up to his room yelling “I’m coming Thomas”  Then she proceeds to ask him things like “Did you have a good nap?”8.31.12 Ila and Thomas8.31.12 Ila and Thomas (1)Now, I’m done with August pictures, I can move on to September (just in time for October to start!)