Our Truck is fixed

Our suburban was down for about 3 1/2 weeks, but I’m lucky to have a husband who gave up so many of his evenings working on it and good friends who lent us their suburban so I wasn’t trapped in my house for most of a month!

This is from the day I thought I’d see if the things Zach replaced the night before had worked, it died before I got out of the driveway:9.13.12 Suburban troubles

In fact, it died hanging out of the driveway and had to stay that way all day:9.13.12 Suburban troubles (1)Zach spent many evenings replacing parts:9.13.12 Suburban troubles (2)9.13.12 Suburban troubles (3)9.13.12 Suburban troubles (3) (1)9.13.12 Suburban troubles (3) (3)One day I took it for a test drive around the neighborhood and it died about a block away and I had to bring our carseats back in the wagon so that we could strap them into a friend’s car.9.14.12 carseatsI hope my neighbors got a good laugh when they saw me pulling my wagon full of car seats down the street because I thought it was a pathetically funny sight!

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