September 2012 pics

Charlotte is growing up before my eyes:9.2.12 Sunday (2)

I love when my little girls enjoy each other’s company:9.2.12 Sunday (7)9.3.12 Ballerina PrincessesHere they are with leotards, hats and wings:9.3.12 Ballerina Princesses (3)(they worked together to compose their outfits without me)  Charlotte tried to get her sisters to do a dance with her, but the little girls just wanted to do their own thing:9.3.12 Ballerina Princesses (8)And here are the boys (sorry for the poor quality pic—it’s a little blurry):9.3.12 brothers (2)I love the way pictures look when you capture water droplets in the air.  Also, I really want a super nice camera that will do a nicer job of things such as this:9.5.12 bath (4)Isaac with his soccer team:9.8.12 Isaac's Soccer Jamboree (6)Watching Isaac’s first game (it was hot sitting in the sun that day):9.8.12 Isaac's Soccer Jamboree (13)We got ice cream after Isaac’s first game:9.8.12 Isaac's Soccer Jamboree (18)9.8.12 Isaac's Soccer Jamboree (19)I caught Ila doing this twice recently:  9.10.12 Ila in a drawerDid I mention how much I love when they do things together?9.10.12 Reading time (1)Isaac and Charlotte’s favorite thing to play on at Petrovitsky park:9.10.12 Isaac and Charlotte9.10.12 Isaac and Charlotte (3)Between these and previously posted pictures, I have now posted all the selections that I want from the first 563 pictures of September (September 2-12).  It’s ok, you can call me a photo nut—don’t I deserve a nice new camera?!

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