Thanksgiving visit with my Sis

We hosted my youngest sister, Sarah and her family for Thanksgiving this year.  I probably should have taken more pictures, but with 8 kids 8 and under it was a busy time.  P1010009

Sarah has three little boys.  Josh (6) had fun playing with trains and Legos with Isaac.  Levi (3 or 4, I forget.  He’s older than Ila and younger than Nicole) made friends with our computer.  And Gabe, who is just a few weeks younger than Thomas.P1010012Our babies are basically the same age, so I couldn’t resist taking pictures of the two of them together.IMG_9414IMG_9368They both think the dishwasher is a big fun toy:IMG_9407IMG_9392

Here’s the only pic I took of my brother-in-law, Nate.  I guess the lid got sealed really tight as the turkey was soaking in brine overnight.IMG_9379Here’s our turkey with improvised cover:IMG_9391Levi was stalking the cat, but when I got my camera out to take a pic, Nicole climbed up and posed—She’s a bit of a scene stealer:IMG_9400IMG_9401I told Charlotte that we could watch Brave and eat cinnamon gummy bears with her cousins.  She thought that idea was great.

Our Black Friday shopping consisted of going to one store that was a few miles from my home and not crowded.  We let the kids play while we browsed the store.  Here we are checking 5 of the 8 children in to the play area:IMG_9422My new camera arrived just before they had to leave so we hastily took a few pics of our group, but I didn’t know how to use my camera yet, so most of the pictures turned out with some blurry spots:P1010023