Charlotte’s Birthday Outing

Charlotte choose an outing instead of a party this year (which I’m glad for because outings are a lot less work for me).  She wanted to have her outing be just like her best friend Ander’s birthday outing, including having him ride the bus home from school with her.  We choose Wednesday, December 19th since it was the last day of school before winter break.  It was pouring when they got off the bus, so they had a very wet walk home:PC191496

Also, they had a PJ party at school.  They were bouncing off the walls happy when they came in.  They ran all over the house, played some Legos in Isaac’s room and then Charlotte opened her gift from Ander.  She laughed as he showed her the birthday card he made her:PC191498He gave her a Play-Doh shake shoppe which they had to play with right away.  It’s fun to see them together because they get along so well.  They were both so happy and silly and had such a fun time just being together.PC191510PC191514While they were playing, the little girls came in and climbed up to play.  Charlotte said “let’s pretend we’re already married and Nicole and Ila are our kids.”  It was funny because she talks about it as if it’s a foregone conclusion that they will be married one day.

They thought it would be fun to wear their PJs to the fun center for their outing, so I let them.  They didn’t want a snack after school or to go eat first, but as soon as I bought our fun center points, they wanted slurries:PC191526

The rest of the pictures from their outing come from my phone because the battery on my camera died.

They loved Kidtropolis.  I tried and failed to catch a picture of them sliding down the slide together, but this pic is from when they got to the end of the slide:IMAG0132The first game they wanted to play was this one:IMAG0135Charlotte got a jackpot on one of the games:IMAG0138After the fun center we went to get dinner.  He said he only wanted Wendy’s and Charlotte didn’t want Wendy’s.  I told them that they had to agree or I’d just go where Charlotte wants since it’s her outing.  As soon as Charlotte mentioned Panda Express they both thought it was a great idea.  After all their excitement I was surprised that all they wanted was white rice and two spring rolls.  IMAG0139Charlotte said it was her favorite meal ever.  When I asked why she said it was because she was eating it with her best friend.