Pictures of Christmas

The girls got matching PJs.  They loved that they matched and danced around the bedroom with glee:12.25.12 Christmas (10)

Ila wearing her new orange outfit and playing with her hot cocoa set:12.25.12 Christmas (17)Nicole and her purple monster dress up12.25.12 Christmas (19)Charlotte and her Toblerone:12.25.12 Christmas (21)Charlotte’s candy bucket.  There was more candy under the drawer too, but she ate and shared almost all of her candy by the end of the day: 12.25.12 Christmas (22)Isaac and Charlotte got tablets.  (I was on the fence about giving these to the kids, but they were great to have for our trip the next day, plus I got them cheap).12.25.12 Christmas (27)Charlotte was excited about this light up tracing pad:12.25.12 Christmas (35)Charlotte showing her ice cream cone to her grandparents on Google Hangout:12.25.12 Christmas (37)I think Ila was mad that her dad had some of the ice cream.12.25.12 Christmas (40)Charlotte tries out her tracing pad while Nicole goes to town on juice:12.25.12 Christmas (43)12.25.12 Christmas (32)Thomas loves my mouse, it’s probably his favorite thing next to the remote:12.25.12 Christmas (42)12.25.12 Christmas (44)He likes to drive it around the house:12.25.12 Christmas (45)Thomas surrounded by toys, but playing with the packaging:12.25.12 Christmas (56)The kids help Thomas open a gift:12.25.12 Christmas (58)The kids with their gifts from Grandma Bunny and Grandpa Bird:12.25.12 Christmas (61)12.25.12 Christmas (64)12.25.12 Christmas (70)I took some video of the kids playing with their toys throughout the day, but I decided it was too much work to edit, prep, and post it so I’ll probably just open up the video in 10 years and think it’s awesome then.