Snapshots of life

January 2nd:  Thomas learning to clean up:P1022180

January 3rd:  Charlotte loves apples and sometimes she’s silly (look, no hands):P1032185January 5th:  My littlest two (check out the mullet on that boy):P1052232January 6th:  My boys and my girls:P1062361P1062383Thomas’s first haircut was on January 8th.

before:P1062433during:P1082563and after:P1082581January 8th:  His expression amuses me:P1082607January 9th:  My little doctor and nurse:  “I need to give you an owie” (administers pretend shot):P1092645January 10th:  Don’t tell Nicole that her sunglasses are upside down:P1102667January 10th:  Sisters who love each other:P1102683January 11th:  Thomas requires two spoons:P1112695

P1112701January 11th:  It’s never too cold for bubble blowing:P1112709January 11th:  I got to help out at Isaac’s school:P1112724

January 12th:  Out for Sushi:P1122731

P1122733January 12th:  Charlotte and her decorated wrapping paper tube and bowl hat:P1122740January 12th:  Cardboard car:P1122751P1122746January 12th:  Helicopter flying:P1122760

I love Thomas’s cheesy smile:P1122768January 13th:  More flying:P1132777January 14th:  An example of Nicole’s style:P1142780January 15th:  Hand bubble baths:P1152802January 15th:  Thomas on my new chair:P1152815

January 15th:  My cute Charlotte:P1152819P1152820And now I go to bed.  More pictures soon, hopefully. . .