February, part 2

2.7.13 See that toy remote we got him for his birthday?  He still likes the real ones better:2.7.13 remote prefrence2.7.13 remote prefrence (1)

Ila loves to splash in puddles, we have to walk towards them instead of around them in parking lots.  I wanted a great action splashing shot, but she kept looking down at the puddle as she jumped instead of up at my camera:2.7.13 puddlesNicole’s class celebrated valentine’s day early and Nicole shared her loot with her little sister:2.7.13 shareing Nicole's Valentine treatsCheck out Ila’s line up of tasted and rejected suckers:2.7.13 shareing Nicole's Valentine treats (3)

2.8.13 Nicole loves tape for some reason.  Here she is removing tape from her foot and putting it on the mirror:2.8.13 Nicole with tapeand here she is after taping her own mouth shut:2.8.13 Nicole taped her mouthCharlotte at breakfast:2.8.13 Charlotte (2)Ila after a long night of vomiting:2.8.13 poor sick IlaThis is Nicole before she went to Ballet where she threw-up all over a pregnant woman who got sick later that week:2.8.13 Nicole (1)2.10.13 I don’t remember what I was baking, but as soon as I get the baking things out, all the girls gather and climb up on the counters to be part of the action:2.10.13 baking with the girls (1)2.11.13  We haven’t really had any snow (it may have snowed once or twice the whole winter, but it doesn’t count unless it sticks to the ground instead of melting so by that measure we’ve had no snow).  Here we are playing outside on a warmish day:2.11.13 Playing outside (2)2.11.13 Playing outside (16)2.11.13 Playing outside (11)

2.11.13 Playing outside (12)Isaac pulled out a particularly big chip and was so impressed with it’s size that he asked me to take a picture:2.11.13 Isaac's big chip

2.14.13 Valentine’s day.  I made heart-shaped eggs with heart-shaped toast:2.14.13 Valentine breakfastThe big kids shared their Valentine treats:2.14.13 Sharing Valentine treats (3)Charlotte loves candy.  She is not good at saving some for later:2.14.13 Sharing Valentine treats (8)

2.15.13 Wacky hair day:2.15.13 Wacky hair day (2)2.15.13 Wacky hair day (1)2.15.13 I’ve been making my kids eat popcorn outside so that I don’t have to clean it up and they left a half eaten bag out:2.15.13 Squirril (1)2.15.13 Squirril2.16.13 Isaac earned some money for some hex bug pieces and had fun building tracks:2.16.13 hex bugs (1)2.16.13 hex bugs (2)Nicole suddenly declared that the cat needed a story, so she climbed up and read to the cat:2.16.13 Nicole reads to cats2.16.13 Nicole reads to cats (2)2.19.13 We tried naptime on the couch for Thomas so that Isaac could play in his room with a friend, but Thomas didn’t sleep long:2.19.13 Ila and Thomas napWe met up with some friends at the park later that day, I love that Ila is swinging with her doll:2.19.13 park fun (5)2.19.13 park fun (9)Thomas has been sticking his tongue out a lot:2.19.13 park fun (11)Charlotte and her friend, Lauren:2.19.13 park fun (15)2.19.13 park fun (17)