February pictures, part 1

2.1.13 I started off February by potty training Ila which went rather well, once she figured it out:2.1.13 Potty training day with IlaPlaying with “mommy things”;2.1.13 Playing in the kitchen (4)

Me:  Are you making cupcakes?

Ila:  No, I’m making muffins!:2.1.13 making muffins (1)2.1.13 making muffins (4)Nicole had another idea for the muffin papers:2.1.13 Nicole loves tape2.1.13 Nicole loves tape (1)2.2.13 Ila loves to wash her hands:2.2.2 Ila (2)Thomas and me:2.2.13 Thomas and Kathleen (1)Thomas is funny when he eats Ramen:2.2.13 Thomas (3)2.2.13 Thomas (1)Also, this series was too cute not to share:2.2.13 Thomas (5)2.2.13 Thomas (7)2.2.13 Thomas (8)2.2.13 Thomas (4)

2.3.13 French toast for breakfast and two girls sharing a chair:2.3.13 sharing a chairscrounging for toys:2.3.13 digging for treasureMatching girls:2.3.13 my girls (7)2.3.13 my girls (17)

2.4.13 “Mom, that bench is for taking pictures.”2.4.13 Nicole (2)2.4.13 hugs2.4.13 On our way home (3)washing rocks in her underwear:2.4.13 Ila bathes rocks (1)Thomas’s idea of a good time:2.4.13 Thomas in the kitchen (6)This is also one of his favorite activities = filling up the oatmeal box with plastic utensils (he still does this one just about every day):2.4.13 Thomas in the kitchen (12)Also, I can’t turn my back when the dishwasher is open or he might crawl right up on the lid:2.4.13 Thomas in the kitchen (13)The girls love to conspire after bedtime (underwear on heads, shirts as pants, and socks on hands):2.4.13 underwear heads (2)2.5.13 Watching Thomas’s birthday cupcakes bake.  I love that they set up chairs to watch:2.5.13 watching the cupcakes bake(5) (2)I will skip Thomas’s birthday since I blogged about it separately and pick up the rest of February in subsequent posts.