Beds and more

My little girls love to make little beds.  It kind of drives me nuts sometimes.  Here are some of the beds they made in March:P3014107

P30141093.8.13 Nicole bedP30141163.16.13 story time (1)I’m not sure if this is actually suppose to be a bed:3.18.13 tiny beds3.18.13 tiny beds (1)This one might actually be a swimming pool.  See the wall she built in the background?3.30.13 Nicole's wallAnd we can’t forget the floor bed’s best friend, the blanket fort:3.2.13 blanket fortThese are either mini-beds or baby cars:3.14.13 stools (2)Car seats:3.15.13 Playing dolls (2)I don’t know what this one is suppose to be, I found it after putting the kids to bed:3.14.13 stools (1)3.14.13 stoolsI’m glad at least that the little beds they make are usually neat with nicely straightened blankets.