
I love a nice crisp close-up.  Here are some of the ones I took in March:3.5.13 Nicole (4)3.5.13 Nicole (5)3.7.13 Thomas (7)3.7.13 Ila (2)3.7.13 Ila (3)3.13.13 Charlotte3.25.13 Isaac and his derby car3.28.13 fun outside (28)3.28.13 fun outside (27)3.29.13 Silly Ila hair (6)3.29.13 at Freshies (2)3.30.13 fun outside (28)3.30.13 fun outside (12)

3.30.13 fun outside (14)3.30.13 fun outside (25)3.30.13 fun outside (33)3.31.13 girls in their Easter hats (26)Yes, I know.  I have way more face shots of some children than others, but it all comes down to opportunity and some of my kids are at school much of the day.