Ramune Soda

One of the kids’ favorite treats from the Asian market is Ramune soda.  I love this series of pictures depicting Thomas’s response to it:3.16.13 Thomas tries soda

3.16.13 Thomas tries soda (2)3.16.13 Thomas tries soda (1)3.16.13 Thomas tries soda (5)Thomas would take a sip, get a funny look on his face, then smile and drink again.  I took those pictures after he had already taken a few sips and returned to his cup for more!

Here are the other kids with their sodas:3.16.13 Ramue soda (3)3.16.13 Ramue soda (2)3.16.13 Ramue soda (10)3.16.13 Ramue soda (1)3.16.13 Ramue soda (5)