Utah in April

For spring break at the beginning of April we went to Utah here are some of the pictures from our trip:4.6.13 Day 1 in Utah4.6.13 Day 1 in Utah (2)

Charlotte started feeling sick the first day we were there.  She was very tired and had no appetite:  4.6.13 Day 1 in Utah (6)4.6.13 Day 1 in Utah (12)4.6.13 Day 1 in Utah (37)4.6.13 Day 1 in Utah (15)4.6.13 Day 1 in Utah (28)4.6.13 Day 1 in Utah (33)4.6.13 Day 1 in Utah (35)4.6.13 Day 1 in Utah (42)4.6.13 Day 1 in Utah (46)4.6.13 Day 1 in Utah (55)4.6.13 Day 1 in Utah (54)4.6.13 Day 1 in Utah (63)4.6.13 Day 1 in Utah (64)4.6.13 more of day 1 in Utah4.6.13 more of day 1 in Utah (3)4.6.13 more of day 1 in Utah (4)4.6.13 more of day 1 in Utah (17)4.6.13 more of day 1 in Utah (18)4.6.13 more of day 1 in Utah (24)4.7.13 Charlotte and GrandpaP4085502P4095507P4095508P4105522P4105524P4105527P4105553P4105563P4105574P4105581P4105588P4105596P4105600P4105620P4105629P4105680P4115686P4115699P4115708P4115726

One comment

  • Bobbi

    Kathleen! Congrats of moving back to Utah! That second picture of your girls playing with the blocks. . do you know what those blocks are called?? My Grandma had some just like it and I have been trying to find some on ebay. Looks like you guys had a fun trip!