Bird ReTweet, Day 3 at the beach

My Thomas6.27.13 At the Beach (127)

Sarah’s Josh6.27.13 At the Beach (94)Krista’s Michael made everyone some “apple pie” (that’s what he called his sand covered rock).6.27.13 At the Beach (171)6.27.13 At the Beach (167)6.27.13 At the Beach (178)Sarah’s Josh6.27.13 At the Beach (107)A family of fellow Latter Day Saints set up camp next to us and we conspired to build a wall across the kiddie pond.  Mormons are just so industrious!6.26.13 Bird ReTweet Day 2 (159) (1)My Charlotte and Krista’s Paul became good buddies:6.27.13 At the Beach (180)My Ila also made a sandy rock gift:6.26.13 Bird ReTweet Day 2 (159) (4)Mom with Sarah’s Gabe:6.27.13 At the Beach (207)You can tell by Sarah’s picture below, that the ocean was freezing.6.27.13 At the Beach (2)Athena took some great pictures of Lee being struck by waves:6.27.13 At the Beach (10)6.27.13 At the Beach (13)6.27.13 At the Beach (22)Krista’s family6.27.13 At the Beach (25)This picture makes me think of Moses parting the waters of the red sea.  It’s as if Bryan commanding the water to recede.6.27.13 At the Beach (35)Bryan and Sarah:6.27.13 At the Beach (37)Barbara:6.27.13 At the Beach (41)More of Lee:6.27.13 At the Beach (52)6.27.13 At the Beach (55)Sarah and her husband, Nate:6.27.13 At the Beach (56)Krista:6.27.13 At the Beach (73)Barbara:6.27.13 At the Beach (87)I tried to avoid always making a “puffer fish face” for our second beach day pictures, but Lee reminded the camera of what my face usually looks like when encountering a wave:6.27.13 At the Beach (131)Sarah and I6.27.13 At the Beach (148)Krista’s Paul with Athena and Bryan embracing a wave:6.27.13 At the Beach (154)Krista’s Paul and Athena.6.27.13 At the Beach (155)I discovered that Thomas doesn’t seem to recognize me without my glasses.  Each time I came back from the water, he’d stare into my eyes as if to say “you look kind of like my mom, but I’m not sure,” but as soon as I put my glasses on, he’d smile and snuggle in for a long hug:6.27.13 At the Beach (166)Zach needed to work the next day, so we left for home late on Day 3.  The rest of the family checked out on the morning of day 4.  Because the ocean destroyed my camera, I failed to photograph the bear hunt and the bug hunt at the end of day 3.