Family Visits
My family planned a family reunion for the end of June in the Pacific Northwest, which meant that I got to see all my brothers and sisters, their families, and my parents. I have way too many pictures for one post so I’m going to start from the beginning and break it up over several posts.
The first one to arrive was my mom. She flew into Portland and visited my sister first, then took the train up to Seattle. I picked her up on Saturday evening (June 15th). My Dad and brother, Bryan, arrived late on Monday night (June 17th). They left my house on June 22nd after my sister and her family arrived. Here are some pictures from their visit:
Grandma reading to Charlotte over breakfast:
Isaac showed Grandpa his new Lego plane as they ate breakfast:Grandma and Thomas:Bryan got his work-out helping Thomas with the slide:Grandpa with Nicole at the end of the year awards assembly:The kids had a lot of fun making weird pretend food for Grandma and Bryan:Grandma needed medical attention after “eating” all the kid’s weird food:Bryan reading to Ila:Grandma reading bedtime stories:Grandma and Thomas: