October Pictures

Charlotte taught herself to ride a bicycle and she absolutely loves riding.  She spends about half the time she’s home everyday riding her bike.10.1.13 playing outside (3)10.1.13 playing outside (18)

Thomas loves cars and trucks.  He carries them wherever he goes.  I love this picture of Thomas with a car transporter over his shoulder:10.1.13 playing outside (12)10.1.13 playing outside (10)10.1.13 playing outside (21)I like this picture of Ila playing on the computer with a stuffed orange kitty under her arm:10.2.13 IlaThomas has started posing for the camera.  He sees me get the camera out and he runs over to the wall, sits down and smiles real big:10.3.13 Thomas (3)

One day he was pretending a container lid was a phone and he looked so funny with that great big “phone” at his ear that I grabbed my camera for a picture.10.4.13 Thomas (1)  Once he saw the camera he dropped the lid and posed for the camera:10.4.13 Thomas (2)We went to Krispy Kreme before the Saturday session of General Conference:10.5.13 Krispy Kreme (5)10.5.13 Krispy Kreme (1)Ila really wanted a pumpkin donut, she even refused the warm glazed donut they offered her in the line: 10.5.13 Krispy Kreme (6)

She was very excited about it, she couldn’t wait for me to put it on a napkin for her.  But she’s so picky and afraid to try anything new, that in the end she wouldn’t even take a single bite.

Here’s Thomas during conference:10.5.13 Confrence Saturday (2)10.5.13 Confrence Saturday (1)10.5.13 Confrence Saturday (8)10.5.13 Confrence Saturday (10)The kids love crazy hair day and I love all the expressions on their faces:10.8.13 Crazy hair day(I babysit the girl in lavender jacket)10.8.13 Crazy hair day (16)10.8.13 Crazy hair day (2)10.8.13 Crazy hair day (3)10.8.13 Crazy hair day (5)10.8.13 Crazy hair day (6)10.8.13 Crazy hair day (13)10.8.13 Crazy hair day (14)This is Nicole on sports day.  She did not want to wear the BYU clothes because they were not “beautiful enough.”  She even threatened to wet her pants so that she couldn’t wear them to school, however when I suggested we change her white shirt for a more colorful shirt and pick out some colorful socks, she was ok with the outfit:10.9.13 Nicole (1)Fire Station Open House:10.9.13 Fire station open house (2)

10.9.13 Fire station open house (11)10.9.13 Fire station open house (13)10.9.13 Fire station open house (19)Thomas calls all cats “yow” (it sounds like the second half of Meow).  He’ll say “hi, yow”  or “bye bye, yow” or “oh no! Yow!.”  I think it’s pretty cute.IMG_0721Nicole likes to have stacks of cards or dominos which she organizes into neat piles or rows.  I’m not sure why she enjoys this activity, but she’ll quietly spend an hour or more engaged in this type of activity.IMG_0732That’s about half of October, I’ve been taking a lot less pictures lately since my nicer camera was destroyed by the ocean in June.  Also, I didn’t include any pictures that I had already posted (like pictures from our trip to SE Utah).