Ila’s 4th Birthday Party

We started celebrating Ila’s birthday on Saturday with a “Princess Aurora” birthday party.  [Side note:  I purposefully avoided everything Disney princess for Charlotte and Nicole, but Ila became obsessed with the movie “Sleeping Beauty” in June and here we are celebrating her birthday with a Disney Princess theme.]

Ila only wanted to invite three girls, actually she only wanted to invite two girls because her “tummy only wants to have 2 friends.”  I talked her into the third friend, but the fourth one was totally out of the question, she’s such an odd little girl sometimes.


There are probably lots of ideas on Pinterest, but I have never actually browsed Pinterest.  I think I’m afraid of what I might find.  So I decided that we’d play the movie and act out different parts of the  movie as it played.  In the first scene of the movie, the people are bringing gifts to the baby princess Aurora.  So Ila opened presents from her friends first.


As they watched, they decorated their own crowns, had little snacks, had birthday cupcakes, and dueled with wands.

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They decided that Thomas could be Prince Philip.


At the end of the movie, Prince Philip escapes from the wicked fairy and as he’s escaping she’s throwing boulders and rocks and the good fairies turn them into bubbles, so we blew bubbles.  Then when Prince Philip had to fight through rose bushes, the girls took turns fighting through balloons:

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Then they all pretended to be asleep and I woke them up with a Hershey’s Chocolate Kiss:


 Then they played with some of Ila’s new things and colored until their parents arrived.

