Charlotte at 8

Charlotte is so different than me in personality that I sometimes wonder how I became her mom.  She has a sense of self-confidence that astounds me.  She loves everything about herself.  She’ll admire herself in the mirror and tell me that she likes how she looks.


She is proud of her handwriting and likes to tell people about her nice handwriting.  On one of her homework assignments she had to answer a question about what she thought she’d be famous for and her answer was:  “My handwriting.”

She has decided that her favorite color is now turquoise.  She still likes pink, but turquoise is her favorite.  She has also decided that she’d rather wear skirts than jeans and she keeps borrowing skirts from her little sister.  Unfortunately they don’t fit her right so I’m hoping to take her out shopping this week to find some skirts and causal dresses.


She loves making art, but usually makes a huge mess whenever she creates something.  She was lucky enough to get an art lesson from her Aunt Bethani last month.

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She makes friends easily, but is also perfectly content to swing by herself all through recess.  She has several friends at school and they love to laugh and be silly together.

She is learning to play piano and doing quite well.

She likes My Little Pony and Spiderman.

She loves to eat apples and grapefruit and chocolate.

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She likes to match her sisters.  Often she’ll pull matching pairs of underwear out of her drawer and then go find Nicole and talk her into changing her underwear to match.  She often encourages Nicole to dress like her.

She recently told me her two favorite things are “side galloping” and climbing up mountains of snow.

Charlotte likes to play with Nicole.  Charlotte sets up the scenario and tells Nicole what her role should be.  As long as Charlotte is directing things, she happy.  She does allow Nicole to insert some of her own ideas, but mostly Nicole is happy to follow and Charlotte is happy to lead.  Occasionally they’ll get into a fight if Nicole doesn’t want to cooperate with Charlotte’s ideas.


She loves school and regularly argues with Isaac about who has the best teacher.

She taught herself how to ride a bike this year and it has become one of her favorite activities.  She often insists on riding her bike even when we’re only going across the street.

10.1.13 playing outside (18)

She played soccer this year and really enjoyed it.  She’d run back and forth across the field and when all the other girls would ask to be subbed out for a break, she’d ask to stay in.  Every time she scored, she’d stick her nose up in the air and wink and cheer.

9.14.13 Soccer (9)

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