Charlotte at 9

Last year I didn’t find the time to write about Charlotte until February, so this year I feel pretty impressed with myself getting this post done on her birthday considering how crazy busy I’ve been.  Charlotte just happens to have a birthday in the busiest month of the year.2014-45622-40

Charlotte played her second year of soccer this year.  She graduated to the older age group which meant a bigger field and more rules.  She has a lot of fun out there running her heart out from one side of the field to the other.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFor some unknown reason, Charlotte lays on the ground with her feet in the air almost every chance she gets.  I feel like she’s upside down more than she’s right-side up sometimes.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

I’ve been impressed with Charlotte’s improvement on the piano.  She doesn’t always love going over to practice, but it’s fun to hear her improve and I know she’s proud of the songs she’s learned how to play.


Charlotte has become really good friends with the little girl next door and they spend almost every afternoon playing together.  She’s also developed several strong friendships at school and loves to tell me about her “BFFs.”  The picture below is of Charlotte and her BFF Alyssa.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Charlotte has recently fallen in love with the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.  It makes me happy to see my kids reading because I know it’s so good for their little brains.


Charlotte has been drawing during her freetime at school and she’s actually getting pretty good at it.  She’s already better than her mother.  I will post some pictures of her artwork soon, but not today.


Charlotte and Ila love sharing a room.  Charlotte reads to Ila and laughs with her at night and Ila likes to crawl into bed with Charlotte.


Charlotte loves cats.  She was really excited when a cat followed us home from a walk and then stayed all day and all night at our house.  Charlotte took every opportunity to go out and pet and play with the cat, even in her big fancy Sunday dress.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Charlotte is our most adventurous child.  She’s the one most willing to try something challenging.  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACharlotte is excited to be learning cursive and multiplication in school  She’s generally a good friend to all her siblings and they all love her lots. Charlotte is beautiful and confident and smart and I love her to pieces.

I linked to last year’s post in my first line.  Here are a few others:  Charlotte at 7,  Charlotte at 6,  Charlotte at 4.  I know I’m missing Charlotte at 5, I’m not sure if I wrote one that year.  Here is where I wrote about her 5th birthday.  I wish I had a more complete list, but it’s late so I will go to bed instead of searching our more old blogs.

One comment

  • Anonymous

    I love these. Helps to know the child when I see them (usually in church) and have an idea of their interests and personality. Thank you for sharing. I feel since I was released from Cub Scouts that I have no idea about these precious little ones in our ward. Sweet break to read these…..