Charlotte’s Birthday

Charlotte’s birthday fell on a Sunday so we split up her celebration.  We had the party on the Saturday before the party.  Unfortunately, Charlotte wasn’t feeling so well on the day of her party.  I thought she was just tired and I sent her down to the couch to rest and watch movies.  When I called her up just before the party she just buried her head in the couch.  She had a fever above 102.  I gave her some Tylenol and Zach gave her a blessing.  This is what she looked like when her friends started arriving:OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

She couldn’t even muster the energy to move off of the couch for her party.  It was a sad/strange thing to start a party without the birthday girl.
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI scraped my original plan and we moved the party downstairs in front of the TV so they could watch a movie with Charlotte.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Luckily she started feeling well enough to join in before too long.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Charlotte wanted a Palace Pets theme so she asked everyone to bring a favorite stuffed animal.  I gave the kids toilet paper to make outfits for their toys:
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Charlotte opened presents and we played spoons and “What if.”OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

That night after all the kids were in bed, My sisters Barb and Athena drove my parents up from Las Vegas for a short visit.  We didn’t tell the children about the surprise visitors.  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Charlotte still wasn’t feeling well the next day, but she enjoyed the breakfast meal she had choosen.  She only wanted to eat one thing = Bacon!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA She brought a treat to her primary class.  After church, her friend Lucie came over and she opened her presents.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

She had brownies and homemade ice cream instead of birthday cake.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Before bed she played a round of Settlers of Catan with Most of our house guests.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA